Those who are committed to Listening to Patients for Transforming Care.

Our Contribution

Based on real-time reviews, the PATIENT SAFETY PERCEPTION INDEX demonstrates patient’s perception of safety according to the International Patient Safety Goals of the World Health Organization. 

Community for Patient Safety


Safer Health Care


Healthcare Institutions

Venha aprender sobre segurança na saúde

The power of community enabling the healthcare revolution for patient safety

Messaging system

The platform provides a messaging system for patients to contact with the hospital managers real time – it is the real-time ombudsman.

Do you want to test the messaging system with your patients?


A plataforma disponibiliza uma mensageria para que o paciente possa se comunicar com a gestão do hospital em tempo real – é a ouvidoria em tempo real.

Quer testar a mensageria para os seus pacientes?

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