Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the USA

Medical errors are considered a significant problem in healthcare systems, but the exact ranking of medical errors as a cause of death can vary depending on the source and methodology used in studies. It is worth noting that determining the exact ranking of causes of death can be challenging due to various factors, including inconsistent reporting and classification practices.

A study published in 2016 by researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine suggested that medical errors could be the third leading cause of death in the United States, following heart disease and cancer. The study estimated that more than 250,000 deaths per year in the U.S. could be attributed to medical errors.

Messaging system

The platform provides a messaging system for patients to contact with the hospital managers real time – it is the real-time ombudsman.

Do you want to test the messaging system with your patients?


A plataforma disponibiliza uma mensageria para que o paciente possa se comunicar com a gestão do hospital em tempo real – é a ouvidoria em tempo real.

Quer testar a mensageria para os seus pacientes?

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