2020 Quality Forum Online

O Centro de Inovação para Qualidade e Segurança promove o Forum de Qualidade Anual em três sessões mensais, começando em 19 de Agosto, de forma online. Confira abaixo a entrevista realizada com o Dr. Michael R. Bleich, Professor Senior e Diretor do Centro de Inovação para Qualidade e Segurança.


1 – The Langston Center for Innovation in Quality and Safety just announced the Quality Symposium 2020. Could you tell us more about the symposium?

This is the fourth or fifth time that we have sponsored a Quality Forum and this year’s program promises to be the best ever! The symposium is designed to invigorate and educate health care providers, educators, entrepreneurs, and the public about issues and techniques that drive improved clinical and organizational outcomes. We all need that boost from time-to-time and this forum achieves that. Our focus this year: Implementation Science and Human Behavior, including fascinating work by Dr. Dean Fixsen, a major figure in moving science for the sake of science, to full implementation of knowledge and Dr. Jay Van Bavel, a neural-psychologist who is discovering how our brains reveal a predisposition to human responses. We hope he will discuss a rationale for why there is a “mask or no mask” debate!


2 – For the first session in August, who will be the invited speaker?

The first speaker is Dr. Dean Fixsen. In his session, he will explore with us the relevance of moving knowledge to practice. His reputation in the field of Implementation Science is unparalleled as evidenced in his book, co-authored with Karen Blase and Melissa Van Dyke, Implementation Science and Practice. Dean will navigate us through models and strategies that will improve the uptake of knowledge into practice. We are fortunate to have him with us for this session and he will return for the second session in the series.


3 – Considering that we are living in an “online world” due this pandemic, are you expecting more overseas audience?

When we first planned the Forum, it was pre-COVID. For obvious reasons, we delayed the symposium and have re-created it in its new virtual format. We have studied best practices in conducting training and education via online platforms. One clear advantage is the geographical scope of who and where we connect. It is delightful to have a diverse and geographically expansive audience and we welcome each and every participant into the family!


4 – How people can sign in for the Symposium? Is there any fee for registration?

The symposium has been underwritten by donor sources and is presented at no charge. The registration process is very straightforward – just register by copying and pasting this link into your browser and select the second black tab from the left, entitled “registration”: vcu.cloud-cme.com/default.aspx?EID=17471&P=5


5 – Dr. Gullo, our CEO, is one Affliate Scholars of the Langston Center. Could you explain how The Langston Center was created and it’s purpose?

The Langston Center for Innovation in Quality and Safety promotes patient-centered, population-focused, and cost-effective initiatives designed to improve health care. Housed in the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Nursing and made possible through the generosity of VCU Health, the center offers a unique arena of opportunities to advance leadership, quality and safety science, decision- and implementation science, and innovation. Our mission and vision are stated here. One of our premier programs is the Affiliate Scholar network, of which Dr. Gullo is recognized. Today 17 scholars that reflect varying disciplines, perspectives, and unique skill sets meet to influence change in health care delivery. We will be inviting others to join this esteemed group this Fall. You might enjoy perusing our website to see a photo of current scholars: https://nursing.vcu.edu/langston-center/

Mission: To be a premier resource network that advances innovative approaches to complex health care problems with solutions that ensure a quality and safe consumer experience.

Vision: To empower interprofessional networks of clinicians, educators, researchers, students, and entrepreneurs to transform health care through collaboration and science that impacts lives.


6 – Do you think our platform SAFETY4ME can add value to the American healthcare system like we are adding in Brazil?

I have been a strong champion of the SAFETY4ME concept and development since I first learned of it more than two years ago. It has always been a mystery to me as to why we have hesitated to get the voice of the patient/family consumer heard in real-time, where problems and concerns can be addressed. We claim to be patient-centered but are often-time lured into performing for the system and processes which were designed without a patient voice. For this reason and many others, I believe this is an important contribution to safety science and will bring a re-awakened sensibility to health care reform, in Brazil, and in the U.S. In whatever ways this solution can be introduced, stay focused on its value contribution and investment in improved patient/family experiences.


Nos sentimos orgulhosos de fazer parte do movimento promovido pelo Langston Center for Innovation in Quality and Safety e te esperamos no 2020 Quality Forum.

Dr. Salvador Gullo Neto

Dr. Salvador Gullo Neto

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Messaging system

The platform provides a messaging system for patients to contact with the hospital managers real time – it is the real-time ombudsman.

Do you want to test the messaging system with your patients?


A plataforma disponibiliza uma mensageria para que o paciente possa se comunicar com a gestão do hospital em tempo real – é a ouvidoria em tempo real.

Quer testar a mensageria para os seus pacientes?

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